The Importance of the Scat Belt

Scat Belt Testimonials -
By Liz J
"I LOVE the Scat Belt product, and was delighted to learn about it, buy it, and use it regularly!!! As a woman living in Alaska for decades, I have not been very diligent about carrying bear spray. Honestly if I wasn't wearing a backpack on a serious hike, I never carried it because the typical holsters require pants with belts, and I don't usually wear a belt or pants that accommodate belts.
Fast forward to the day that a bear in the deep woods shimmied down a tree just feet from me, stood on his rears, raised his arms and ears, and clicked his teeth at me. I instantly regretted being without any protection, and by a miracle talked my way out of that encounter, but vowed to not be without protection ever ever again!!! I stumbled upon the amazing scat belt the next week at a popular shoe store in Anchorage. Finally, a comfortable solution that I am so thankful to you for creating!!! Alaskan ladies all need this!!! Hopefully you can work with some of the women owned companies here in Alaska to get more exposure and potentially save lives!!"
Thank you!!
By Angie Davies, Calgary Alberta, Canada
"I discovered Scatbelt while mountain biking in Canmore Alberta. I do a lot of mountain biking and have always been looking for a good way to carry my bear spray. I saw someone ride by with theirs in a Scatbelt. I then saw it in one of the shops at the Nordic Centre. I knew I needed this! I went to my local outdoor shop in Calgary, Campers Village and picked up one for my husband and myself. All I can say is that they are the most simple comfortable and accessible bear spray holsters I’ve ever used!
My family also does a lot of fly fishing and they work fantastic for that as well. My only problem I came across was a supply issue, nobody sold the size small. So that’s why I bought straight from the source! Now my kids will be wearing them as well this year. Tell your team thanks for making such a great product!! Look forward to getting my shipment.
By Mariah C Baeron
LOVE IT. I frequently run mountain trails by myself in the morning in Alaska, and I hate carrying anything when I run. Now I can run safely and have my phone for taking pictures! This little belt stays in place and doesn't bounce - I don't even know I am wearing it. THANK YOU FOR THIS - it has totally changed my life (and may possibly save it, as well)! LOVE LOVE LOVE. Recommending it to all my mountain-running outdoorsy Alaskan friends!!!