How to Deploy Bear Spray

Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) Article -
Carrying bear spray and knowing how to use it properly is the best deterrent against a bear attack, and can lessen the duration or seriousness of an attack that occurs. Professional wildlife biologists who work in the field depend on bear spray and trust it as an effective tool to prevent injury to both people and bears.
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee (IGBC) strongly encourages all who live, work or recreate in bear habitat to carry bear spray in an easily accessible manner and to be familiar with how to use it. The IGBC recommends the use of bear spray in addition to following proper bear avoidance safety practices. Additional information on safety in bear country can be found in the Bear Spray FAQs.
- 2017 IGBC Bear Spray Guidelines
- These guidelines are offered in an effort to provide the public with important information about bear spray and recommendations on how to select an effective bear spray. The IGBC does not promote or endorse any particular commercial bear spray product.
- Purchase products that are clearly labeled for deterring attacks by bears. If in doubt, ask a salesperson specifically for bear spray.
- Only purchase bear spray that is registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA registration number is displayed on the front label of bear spray canisters.
- Use the EPA-registered bear spray in accordance with its label instructions.
Given the unpredictable situations that may be encountered and the possible need to use bear spray multiple times during the course of one trip (e.g., wind, multiple bears, the hike out, etc.), be sure to carry an adequate amount of bear spray. Consider carrying two cans.