Reminder to recreate safely this summer!

Forest Service News release: Jamie Balke
Be Bear Aware: Reminder to Recreate Safely on the Custer Gallatin National Forest
Bozeman, MT, July 20, 2023—With grizzly bears expanding into areas where they typically haven’t been seen or are uncommon, the Custer Gallatin National Forest reminds visitors to Be Bear Aware and practice proper food storage. Josh Hemenway, Custer Gallatin Wildlife Program Manager, said, “It is important for people using their public land to always be aware that bears can be present, and to recreate responsibly, for their safety and the safety of wildlife.”
On the Custer Gallatin Forest, five of the seven Ranger Districts (Bozeman, Hebgen Lake, Gardiner, Yellowstone and Beartooth) implement an annual food storage order from March 1-December 1. Appropriate storage of attractants includes:
- Hard-sided vehicles or trailers
- Approved bear- resistant containers or other approved products, certified by the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee or
- Hung at least 10 feet above the ground and four feet away from a tree/pole, out of reach of wildlife.
Attractants include items such as scented toiletries like toothpaste and deodorants, pet food and certain horse pellets. All beverages except water are included, as are empty food and beverage containers.
It is also important to remember general bear safety in bear country. Carry bear spray and have it readily accessible, travel in groups, make lots of noise and watch for signs of bears in the area, and hike during daylight hours. Keeping a clean camp is essential for your safety, the safety of other forest users, and wildlife.
For more information on bear safety and details regarding the food storage order visit online at